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1:1 Session

  • 1 h
  • 111 US dollars
  • Zoom

Service Description

WOMB HEALING & GENETIC KEY CODE ALIGNMENTS These 1:1 sessions are specifically intended to activate your original creation power through your internal womb stargate system, in birthing exalted states of consciousness. As women, we have a prominent role in actively conceiving and birthing the new realms and realities which is the greatest honour of our inner womb temple. This Mother-God Technology of original cosmic creation has been lovingly preserved and tightly-encrypted through our maternal light genetics, nestled within our ovaries and mitochondria. This unbreakable chain of creation is a legacy that braids its genetics through your mother, maternal grandmother, great grandmother and so on, all the way back to Original Eve, a woman who lived in Africa 200,000 year ago- a miraculous light legacy of creation power encoded within us as direct descendants. This is just the beginning of a much grander open-sourced traceable pathway back to the Source, the Great Womb which birthed the universe; the totality of all life. This is our gnosis, the inner knowing of what we are truly capable of creation as loving, compassionate artists of exalted states of unity, harmony and peace on this Earth and in all realms. We are here to weave these genetic filaments into a new tapestry for a miracle. We are doing this through us with love and empowerment blazing in our hearts and wombs. These are the genetic key codes of mother’s cosmovision, the ancient-future heritage of incorruptible creation, deep in the crystal temple of the sacred womb. Although this same creation power exists in men, my intention is to only assist women at this time. SPECIFIC FOCUS: • Opening womb stargate portal systems to Mother Arc • Unlocking crystal genetics and ancestral codes as mother's primordial light language of creation- our divine birthright within our ovaries, uterus and mitochondria • Igniting matrilineal DNA genetic key codes and dormant structures for creation mastery • Bio-alignments micro/macro to universal organic creation mechanics • ATP activation through cellular and tissue matrices- illuminating higher soul presence within the physical body (embodiment) for empowerment, alignment and liberation • Dismantling veils of schism and separation through limiting belief constructs, trauma and mental ideologies that create vibrational overlays within cellular gnosis

Cancellation Policy

Session cancellations are not possible. One reschedule is permitted. Thank you for understanding

Contact Details

© 2024 Katrina Smith

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