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Awakening Divine Soul Essence

  • 1 h
  • 99 US dollars
  • Zoom

Service Description

Katrina supports you in this transformative healing process, by holding a pristine energetic container and powerful field of divine truth, grace and unconditional love, facilitating the remembrance and reconnection with one's inner source light. This enables each being to move into deep unconscious levels of limiting thoughts, beliefs and patterns which continue to reinforce dynamics of separation and limitation. She truly believes that each individual is never truly seperate from Source, and is always perfectly whole, divine and interconnected on all omniversal levels. This 1:1 session empowers each being to increase their experience of freedom, joy and unity in the present now moment, to align more fully with one's higher spiritual purpose and original soul expression, and to access embodied practices and energetic tools to bring about more clarity, connection and awareness in daily life. Session is via zoom unless arranged for an in-person appointment (please send email to request this). Prices are in USD

Cancellation Policy

Session cancellations are not possible. One reschedule is permitted. Thank you for understanding

Contact Details

© 2024 Katrina Smith

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